Some North American Native Bees
Order Hymenoptera / Suborder Apocrita / Superfamily
Apoidea Family Andrenidae Andrenid Bee, Andrena sp......Photo & more
Hymenoptera > Anthophoridae > Habropoda laboriosa (Fabricius) Southeastern Blueberry Bee, .....Photo & more
Bumblebees, B. impatiens, B. vagans, and B. fervidus. Less common are B. nevadensis, B. griseocollis, B. affinis, B. bimaculatus, B. ternarius, B. borealis, and B. rufocinctus? ........Photo, more
Bumblebees, B. parasitic genus Psythirus (ashtoni, citrinus)
Carder bee, Anthidium sp.?.....Photo & more
Carpenter Bees, Xylocopa virginica.....Photo & more
Digger Bees, Anthophoridae.....Photo & more
Digger Bees, Mellisodes longer able to locate
Alfalfa leafcutting bee, Megachile rotundata .....Photo & more
Oxaeid Bee, Ptiloglossa arizonensis
Orchard Mason Bee, Osmia lignaria.....Photo & more
Hornfaced Bee, Osmia cornifrons.....Photo & more
Blueberry polinator, Osmia ribifloris.....Photo & more
Plaster or Polyester Bee, Colletes inaequalis..... Photo and more
Miner Bees, Anthophora abrupta...... Photo and more
Shaggy Fuzzyfoot Bee, Anthophora pilipes villosula
Squash Bees, Peponapis sp...... Photo and more
Sunflower Bees, Eumegachile pugnata
Halictidae, Dialictus zephrum (Common eastern sweat bee)...... Photo and more
Halictidae, Halictini, Genus Sphecodes (parasitic sweat bees) Latreille...... Photo and more
Alkali Bee, Halictidae, Nomia melanderi.....Photo & more
Diadasia nitidifrons..........more
Halictid Bee, Agapostemon virescens..........more